Recipient organisation
Priority area
Award date
Amount awarded
An unrestricted grant of 15,000. Somali Advice Link provides holistic support to the Somali community in Manchester through employment, welfare, education, housing advice and ESOL courses.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 20,000 towards the Access to Immigration Advice project. The Bevan Foundation is a Welsh think-tank which focuses on reducing injustice and inequality by developing proposals for system change.
Special Initiatives
Access to Justice
APPEAL (Centre for Criminal Appeals)
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). APPEAL seeks to fight miscarriages of justice, they represent victims of unsafe convictions and unfair sentences by campaigning alongside them and their families.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
The Refugee Buddy Project Hastings Rother & Wealden
An unrestricted grant of 20,000. The Refugee Buddy Project supports families and individuals from refugee backgrounds through a buddy programme, advocacy and casework in Hastings.
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 20,000. Asylum Justice provides free, independent legal services and casework to people seeking asylum and refugees in Wales.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 17,000. Beyond Detention provides emotional and practical support to people detained in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, as well as people who have been released from the centre.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 15,000 towards UK work (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Counterpoint Arts works to support and produce the arts by and about migrants and refugees aiming for cultural change.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team (ASIRT)
A restricted grant of 3,500 for staff support payments. Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team provides legal advice and support to refugees, migrants and people seeking asylum (predominantly those with No Recourse to Public Funds) in the West Midlands.
Delegated Authority
Migrants and Refugees
INQUEST Charitable Trust
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). INQUEST provides expertise on state related deaths and their investigation. It delivers casework to support bereaved families, family participation activities and related policy and parliamentary work....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Changing Tunes uses music and mentoring in prison, upon release and in community settings to help individuals desist from crime and to support...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
Lewisham Refugee & Migrant Network
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network provide a range of activities including information and advice services, a dedicated programme for violence against women, community...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 20,000 towards UK work (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Safe Passage International work to identify safe and legal routes for unaccompanied child refugees to reunite with family in the...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Camden Community Law Centre
An unrestricted grant of 15,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). Camden Community Law Centre delivers free independent legal advice to its local community, aiming to reach the most vulnerable and socially excluded.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
A restricted grant of 25,000 towards an Immigration Caseworker at the Windrush Justice Clinic (Year 2 of 2 years). The Windrush Justice Clinic offers free, independent, and community-based legal advice to Windrush victims to ensure they are properly compensated by...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). The Asylum Reform Initiative is a collaboration, enabling member organisations to work together in a joint programme of influencing of decision-makers on asylum...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 50,000 (This grant is renewable - year 3 of up to 5 years). Helen Bamber Foundation provides a multi-disciplinary integrated model of care for survivors of human trafficking and torture. The survivors with whom they work...(hover for more)
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 125,000 towards the Justice Together Initiative (Year 3 of 3 years). Justice Together aims to build a community of people and organisations with diverse backgrounds, strengths, and experience to transform access to justice in the UK...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 5,000 towards the Calais Outreach Project. Refugee Legal Support provide free legal advice and representation to refugees and those seeking asylum hoping to reunite with family.
Delegated Authority
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 30,000 to RAMPs charitable activities in pursuit of a fair immigration system (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). RAMP aims to help parliamentarians to collaborate more widely on migration, asylum...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
Bail for Immigration Detainees
An unrestricted grant of 40,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of 2 years). Bail for Immigration Detainees challenges immigration detention by providing free legal advice, information and representation to people held in detention across the UK.
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 100,000 towards the Windrush Justice Fund (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). The Windrush Justice Fund supports community and grassroots organisations and groups working directly with those affected by the Windrush Scandal....(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
The No Accommodation Network (NACCOM)
An unrestricted grant of 50,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 5 years). The No Accommodation Network works across the UK to end destitution amongst refugees, people seeking asylum or those refused asylum status and migrants...(hover for more)
Migrants and Refugees
Greater Manchester Law Centre
An unrestricted grant of 50,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Greater Manchester Law Centre offers representation and specialist advice on welfare benefits, employment and housing.
Special Initiatives
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 20,000. Every Child Protected Against Trafficking UK (ECPAT) aims to end child trafficking and protect children from exploitation through campaigning and policy work.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 15,000. Margaret Carey Foundation works both within the justice system and in the community to provide new skills that will aid offenders rehabilitation within Bradford.
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Medical Justice aims to end medical mistreatment in immigration detention centres through assisting individuals by providing medial evidence and casework across the UK.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Europia aims to support and represent EU citizens living in Greater Manchester through advice clinics, training sessions events and legal surgeries.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Refugee and Migrant Form of Essex and London (RAMFEL)
A restricted grant of 20,000 towards campaigning activities. Refugee and Migrant Form of Essex and London supports refugees, people seeking asylum and vulnerable migrants with immigration advice and also offers English classes and a twice monthly foodbank service.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum
An unrestricted grant of 15,000. Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum works with refugees and people seeking asylum to rebuild their lives and integrate into the community.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Friends, Families and Travellers
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Friends, Families and Travellers works to protect the human rights of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities through campaigning, advocacy, specialist advice, and capacity building across England....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Access to Justice