Recipient organisation
Priority area
Award date
Amount awarded
A restricted grant of 55,000 towards the costs of Migration Exchange (This grant is renewable - year 3 of up to 5 years). Migration Exchange aims to improve the lives of people who migrate, and receiving communities in the UK...(hover for more)
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 40,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 5 years). Circles UK is the national body supporting the development, quality, coordination and effectiveness of Providers of Circles of Support and Accountability, innovative community...(hover for more)
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
Public Interest Law Centre
An unrestricted grant of 60,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 5 years). PILC exists to challenge systemic injustice, by holding government and public bodies to account and promoting access to justice for marginalised and excluded...(hover for more)
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 65,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 5 years). The Law Centres Network supports a national network of Law Centres which deliver legal advice, casework and representation to defend those most vulnerable...(hover for more)
Access to Justice
A grant of 420,000 over two years towards cohort eleven of the Justice First Fellowship Programme (Year 1 of 2). The Justice First Fellowship scheme aims to support social justice lawyers with training opportunities and gaining experience within non-for-profit organisations.
Special Initiatives
Access to Justice
Asylum Support Appeals Project
An unrestricted grant of 44,000 (This grant is renewable - year 4 of up to 5 years). ASAP provide free legal representation and advice for people who are appealing a refusal or withdrawal of asylum support. They work to build...(hover for more)
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 55,000This includes the multi year grant sum of 44,000 per annum (year 3 of up to 5 years) in addition to a one-off uplift of 11,000. Criminal Justice Alliance is a coalition of 170+ organisations working...(hover for more)
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 15,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Inner City Life provide holistic and peer led support to minoritised communities leaving prison in Birmingham.
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Paddington Law Centre provides specialist legal advice across housing, welfare benefits and employment law.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Hope at Home provides safe homes for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK, mainly through a volunteer hosting scheme.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Belong Nottingham is a refugee community organisation which supports refugees, migrants and people seeking asylum through skills and employment training, and welfare services.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Child Rights and Youth Justice C.I.C.
A restricted grant of 15,000 on charitable activities on improving the youth justice system and resourcing the legal sector, and associated core costs. Child Rights and Youth Justice provides technical assistance to youth justice practitioners and works towards longer-term reform...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Agenda is a network organisation aimint to bring about change for women and girls facing multiple disadvantages through influencing law, policy and practice.
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 30,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Settled aims to provide EU Citizens with support and information needed to secure their immigration status following on from Brexit.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Asylum Link Merseyside (ALM)
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Asylum Link Merseyside offers practical assistance, advice, advocacy, and a welcoming community space to foster integration and empower individuals navigating the complexities of the asylum process....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A grant of 15,000 per year for 3 years restricted to charitable work focused on criminal justice and associated core costs (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Mary Magdalene CIC is a community hub...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Carney's Community run boxing sessions and deliver intensive, 1:1, long-term, tailored youth work with young people currently or at risk of being in...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Every Child Protected Against Trafficking UK (ECPAT) aims to end child trafficking and protect children from exploitation through campaigning and policy work.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 15,000 towards charitable activities in improving migrants access to democratic rights. Migrant Democracy Project campaign for the democratic rights of first-generation migrants in the UK.
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 15,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Making It Out works with people engaged in the justice system, or individuals considered at risk of doing so, through workshops based on...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Compass Collective works with young refugees and people seeking asylum through a number of programmes, with a particular focus on using the arts...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
The Big House Theatre Company
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). The Big House Theatre Company empowers and supports young people who have experienced the care system, offering them opportunities for creative expression, personal...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). New Europeans aim to support EU citizens in the UK with securing their future after Brexit. They provide information and advice to individuals, organisations and communities....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Himaya Haven Community Interest Company
A restricted grant of 20,000 towards work with families of people in contact with the criminal legal system (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Himaya Haven focuses on supporting families of minitorised communities whose...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
A restricted grant of 25,000 towards charitable work supporting migrant communities and organisations enforce their rights (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). CPC aims to enable progressive campaigns for a more just, egalitarian and...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 30,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Maternity Action UK advocates for the rights of pregnant women, new mothers, and their families by providing expert advice, support, and campaigning for...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Access to Justice
People & Planet Student Activities Ltd
A restricted grant of 20,000 to activities related to migrant justice (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). People & Planet, through initiatives like their Divest Borders campaign, is a grassroots environmental and social justice...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 27,500 towards criminal justice workPlease note this is Year 3 of a 3 year grant but the restriction for the third and final year has been amended (Year 3 of 3). This work aims to address...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
A restricted grant of 20,000 to charitable work organising Eastern European migrants towards dignity and justice in the UK (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). POMOC works to foster creative collaborations between polish women...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 15,000. Working Chance provides one-to-one employability support for women with convictions, in addition to partnering with employers and looking to influence policymakers to break down the stereotypes and barriers facing women with convictions from getting jobs...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform