Recipient organisation
Priority area
Award date
Amount awarded
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). New Europeans aim to support EU citizens in the UK with securing their future after Brexit. They provide information and advice to individuals, organisations and communities....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Himaya Haven Community Interest Company
A restricted grant of 20,000 towards work with families of people in contact with the criminal legal system (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Himaya Haven focuses on supporting families of minitorised communities whose...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Paddington Law Centre provides specialist legal advice across housing, welfare benefits and employment law.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Hope at Home provides safe homes for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking in the UK, mainly through a volunteer hosting scheme.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 25,000 towards charitable work supporting migrant communities and organisations enforce their rights (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). CPC aims to enable progressive campaigns for a more just, egalitarian and...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 30,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Settled aims to provide EU Citizens with support and information needed to secure their immigration status following on from Brexit.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 30,000 (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). Maternity Action UK advocates for the rights of pregnant women, new mothers, and their families by providing expert advice, support, and campaigning for...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Access to Justice
People & Planet Student Activities Ltd
A restricted grant of 20,000 to activities related to migrant justice (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). People & Planet, through initiatives like their Divest Borders campaign, is a grassroots environmental and social justice...(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
A restricted grant of 27,500 towards criminal justice workPlease note this is Year 3 of a 3 year grant but the restriction for the third and final year has been amended (Year 3 of 3). This work aims to address...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
A restricted grant of 20,000 to charitable work organising Eastern European migrants towards dignity and justice in the UK (This grant is renewable - year 1 of up to 3 years). POMOC works to foster creative collaborations between polish women...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 15,000. Working Chance provides one-to-one employability support for women with convictions, in addition to partnering with employers and looking to influence policymakers to break down the stereotypes and barriers facing women with convictions from getting jobs...(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
A restricted grant of 30,000 towards Palestinian Family Reunification project. Implementation phase of the Palestinian Family Reunification Project run in partnership by Safe Passage International, Migrant's Law Project and Islington Law Centre
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 55,000 (Year 5 of 5 years). Clinks supports, promotes and represents the voluntary sector working with people in the criminal justice system and their families.
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 22,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). Harrow Law Centre provides free legal advice and representation in social welfare law to people in the borough.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 27,500 (Year 3 of 3 years). Circles South West delivers the Circles of Support and Accountability model to prevent sexual re-offending in the South West of England.
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 22,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). Spark Inside provides coaching programmes for young people in the criminal justice system across London and the South East.
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 22,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). JustRight Scotland provide legal advice and undertake strategic policy work and litigation covering immigration, gender-based violence and womens rights, family and community care law and civil law.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit
An unrestricted grant of 40,000 (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit provides specialist legal immigration advice and representation to adults and children across North West England.
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN)
An unrestricted grant of 22,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). Kent Refugee Action Network supports young people seeking asylum and young refugees in Kent, working to ensure they are safe and have the skills to build a better future for themselves....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
An unrestricted grant of 55,000 (Year 5 of 5 years). JCWI work to ensure no one suffers disadvantage just because they have crossed a border, through legal work, campaigning, research and advocacy.
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 22,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). Derbyshire Law Centre provides legal advice, casework, and representation to people across the county in the areas of housing, homelessness, employment, debt, immigration, and discrimination law.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
Access to Justice Foundation
A restricted grant of 33,000 towards the Pre-Action Protocol Project to be delivered by Deighton Pierce Glynn (Year 3 of 3 years). A project to develop and oversee Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) letters concerning destitute migrants and people seeking asylum in...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
The human rights framework
A restricted grant of 22,000 for work to improve outcomes for young people with experience of violence and the criminal justice system (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years)This grant includes a 10% cost of...(hover for more)
Special Initiatives
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre
An unrestricted grant of 27,500 (Year 3 of 3 years). Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre provides legal advice and representation in asylum, immigration, housing, family, employment and social welfare.
Open Programme
Access to Justice
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 for 3 years (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Birth Companions provides emotional and practical support to pregnant women and new mothers within prisons and in the community.
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
Refugee Education UK
An unrestricted grant of 27,500 (Year 3 of 3 years). Refugee Education UK work to ensure that young refugees and young people seeking asylum have access to education, through direct support programmes, research, training and advocacy.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 25,000 for 3 years (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Manuel Bravo Project provides legal representation to those seeking asylum who are unable to access legal aid.
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 20,000 for 3 years (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). The Turnaround Project provides training and employment services to individuals serving sentences within prison and then on release in Northern Ireland....(hover for more)
Open Programme
The Criminal Legal System and Penal Reform
An unrestricted grant of 33,000 (Year 3 of 3 years). Scottish Refugee Council supports people in need of refugee projection, through direct service provision, campaigning and influencing, and community and partnership building.
Special Initiatives
Migrants and Refugees
An unrestricted grant of 22,000 for 3 years (This grant is renewable - year 2 of up to 3 years). Work Rights Centre aims to combat migrants poverty, by empowering them to exit precarious employment, and improve their social mobility in the UK....(hover for more)
Open Programme
Migrants and Refugees